Saturday, May 10, 2008

Working Gloves

I've had these gloves a few years. Can you tell?????

I know they look pretty bad, but, hey, they've

been there for me. They've helped me clear brush,

prune roses and trees, carried bricks or rocks, old

lumber without me ever getting a splinter! They've been

there when I've pulled weeds from my flower bed,

planted new flowers, bushes and trees. Just about

any work I've done outside, you can bet

these sweet, well-worn, soft leather gloves have

been on my little hands.
Now guess what??????

See that little hole??? The one that yellow

arrow is pointing to? Well, it may look like a little

hole, but, boy does it let the dirt, mud and

THORNS get me! I've got to get some work

done in my flower bed, so I've been looking everywhere

for some gloves like these. They're made by Wells Lamont

but, they don't make these anymore. So.......

So, I bought me these. They just aren't the same!

I guess they'll still keep me from getting cuts,

and thorns, but I doubt if they'll last

as many years as my other ones did.

At least they'll work, until maybe

I can find me another pair like my old ones!

Now maybe I can tackle this:

See those yaupon holly trees? The ones leaning

waaay over the sidewalk? Well, not only do they need

trimming, but I think we're going to have to

transplant them to another location.

Here's another picture showing just how

bad they're leaning.

I think it may be easier to just get our landscaper out here

to move them. If we tried, we would probably tear

up the sidewalk!


Stacey said...

it is hard to let go!

how do you do those arrow things?!

CIELO said...

Good luck with your new gloves... and many more good proonings....

