Saturday, June 28, 2008


Where June bugs go when July arrives???? I'm not sure where they go, but I'm ready for them to leave! I'm tired of having to swat my way in and out of the door. And no matter how hard I try, one always manages to get in the house. So, on Tuesday, I'm hoping the June bug is OUT OF HERE!


StitchinByTheLake said...

I love this! I used to see June bugs a lot when I was a child but not so much any more. However, in the winter I do get these huge bugs that my husband calls wood roaches - they walk in through my patio door from the woodpile! We have sprayed the doorway so much that they die immediately after entering. :) Blessings, marlene

Jeri said...

You only have today left Cyndy and they will be gone. Who ever heard of a July or August bug??