Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Little Motherly Bragging

I'm sorry, but I have to do a little bragging on my son! One of the criteria of parents is the right to brag about your children. So, bear with me while a do a little boasting about Brandon. The boy, well, actually he's a man, can do just about anything he sets his mind to. He's an excellent carpenter. You should see some of the furniture he's made his wife. Here's her post about that.

They have just finished building their house and he's done much of the work himself. Here is a picture of the tile he did for his dog, Chance's room.

Yes, I said Chance's room. My grand-dog has his own room, but trust me, he deserves it. He's such a sweet dog!

And here is the tile he put up as the back splash behind his stove top.

He has done such a great job of everything. We'll be moving him into his new house this weekend, so I'll take some pictures of the finished product and show you just what an amazing craftsman he is! He's promised me he'll put some tile up in my kitchen. After a much deserved and needed rest, I think I'll hold him to it!

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