Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Look What I Won On Ebay

Remember when I told you about unpacking my mother's pretty china? You know, the Royal Doulton Kirkwood set. Here's the teapot from her collection.

Anyway, I've been keeping an eye on Ebay for some bowls to go with it. And look what I found!

An egg cup! I just love it. Although, I doubt if I will ever use it for eggs. I'm not a fan of soft-boiled eggs. But I'm sure I can find some other way to use it.

I also picked up another egg cup from the same shipper. I'm not a big fan of it, but I have to tell you, when I'm at an auction, I tend to get carried away. So, I went ahead and bid on this one and got it too.

I really shouldn't be spending so much time on Ebay. It's very contagious. Before you know, you're finding all kinds of things to buy. This is not a good time for me to be buying more stuff because I've been cleaning out closets and cabinets for weeks.

Now excuse me while I go clean out more junk so I can buy more pretty stuff to cram into the closets I just cleaned.


B said...

Cyndy, I love your Blog Page. I look forward to reading it all the time. Your Mother's china is just beautiful! Keep up the good work.
Love, B

nikkicrumpet said...

How fun....I've never tried the Ebay thing...it's probably a good thing...we'd be broke! I'm glad you found something to go with your teapot.