Thursday, January 24, 2008


Look what I got today! You want to know why???? My dear, sweet hubby sent them to me for our anniversary. Isn't he just the greatest??? 32 years ago today we were married. We've shared a lot in those years. Good times and bad, happy and sad. The birth of two wonderful children. The birth of two beautiful grandchildren. The loss of a father. We've lived in nine different apartments and homes. (I almost didn't count two of those places since we only lived in them a short time while we built our homes). I can't even begin to count how many vehicles we've owned in only 32 years. Anyway, I received these lovely flowers today just for loving a wonderful man. Isn't that great? Wish you could smell them!


Stacey said...

congratulations!!! i loooooove the flowers! they are so pretty, you should think about preserving them!

Anonymous said...

that is a lovely flower bouquet.

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful and a bright spot on this cold January day!

Congratulations to you and Hubby. We'll celebrate our 28th anniversary in June.

Gal, you got me to thinking and I'm going to have to count up the houses and apartments we've lived in LOL!

Have a warm and happy day!

kari and kijsa said... wonderful...what a shining example to others...

Have a blessed day...

smiles, kari & kijsa